Does a room in your home feel somewhat cramped no matter how you arrange your furniture? We may have the solution for you. Mirrors! We don’t mean a magician with mirrors and smoke, though. We mean getting a custom mirror made by Janssen Glass & Door specifically for your problem area. Here’s how to use one of our custom mirrors, or another oversized mirror you find, to make a small room appear larger.
Pick the Right Mirror
Start off by using the right type of mirror. Pick a mirror that’s tall and wide enough for your needs, and that has the right reflective properties to match your home. If you’re propping this mirror up behind a piece of furniture, like an entry console, use a mirror that is about the same width as the furniture, and about twice as tall. This will make the piece look purposeful, prominent, and proportional.
You’ll also want to take the rest of the room into account when deciding on the type of reflection you want your mirror to have, and the style of its frame. You can have a simple, classic and clean mirror with no edging and a simple frame, or you could have an antiqued and muted reflecting mirror with raised edging and a painted frame.
Related Read: New Ways to Bring Light Into Your Home Using Glass & Mirrors
Positioning Is Key
When deciding on where to place your oversized mirror for the biggest size-boosting properties, place it on the same wall, or a neighboring wall to a natural light source. This placement will allow natural light to be reflected back into your home, thereby increasing your perception of light and space in the room. If you place an oversized mirror on a wall directly across from a natural light source, the light will bounce directly off of the mirror and right back out the same window. This will leave you with the same measly light you had in the room to begin with.
To create a custom mirror piece to help bring new light and space to a room in your home, call Janssen Glass & Door today at 913-677-5727.