When your friends and family come to Kansas City for the holidays, there are a few things you do to prepare for a successful visit. You clean up, stock the fridge, and hide the good silver. Are you forgetting something? If it feels like you are, make sure to check that your bathrooms are ready for your guests.
Get Rid of the Mold
Have you been meaning to attack that mildew in your guest shower? Having company come to town might be just the push you need to get rid of the grunge. Here are some tips for getting rid of mold and mildew. If it’s your shower door tracks that are grungy, here is a quick guide to cleaning shower door tracks.
Clean Shower Doors and Curtains
Whether your shower door is covered in soap scum or your shower curtain is tattered, make sure to either clean or replace them. Here are some glass cleaning tips for shower doors.
Fix That Dreaded Drip
Don’t keep your guests awake all night with a dripping shower. Here is a quick guide for how to fix a dripping shower.
Check Your Drains
If your guest bathroom is not used frequently, you may not know that the drain is clogged. Run some water and be sure to clear any drains if there are backups or standing water. You can buy a Zip Strip at your local hardware store for a couple of bucks that will clean hair out of your drain in a jiffy.
Look for Leaks
Do puddles form around your shower? Glass shower doors are not water tight and normal use tests the sealant around your shower door frame. If leaks are minor, check out How to Re-Caulk Your Shower. If your leaks are larger, it is probably time for a new shower door.
Troubleshoot Low Water Pressure
Nothing is worse than going to take a shower and having low water pressure! While checking drains and looking for leaks, keep an eye on your water pressure. Are your faucets and showerheads sputtering? Check your hot and cold water separately. If your pressure is considerably lower for hot water, then you should to check your hot water heater and lines.
Can Your Hot Water Heater Keep Up?
While we are on the topic of things that ruin a shower, having extra guests in your home means your water heater may be put to the test. Rather than waiting for screams coming from the guest bathroom when an issue develops, make sure your hot water heater is in working condition before your guests arrive.